After hubby Junior Bachchan’s Rs 41 crore investment in Worli just a few months back, wife Aishwarya has reportedly bought a 5,500 sq ft high-end residential flat for Rs 21 crore in Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC). High property rates don’t waver tinsel town members from making a new purchase. Where are they investing in Aamchi Mumbai? Read on.
BKC, deserves a special mention not only because it is home to some of the costliest properties but because the Mumbai Metropolitan Regional Development Authority (MMRDA) has identified this region for its smart ventures.
Energy-efficient street lighting, smart parking, Wi-Fi access, digitised scrutiny of construction proposals and even CCTV cameras with advanced video analytics are some future smart endeavours of the authority.
“A smart business district means the vicinity and real estate projects would be the ultimate beneficiaries. If the funds for civic amenities are rightly allocated, the residential sector would be positively impacted and the area would become cleaner,” says Rahees Rijwi, realtor at Confirm Deal.
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MCHI-THANE has always been very clear that fine housing complexes and shopping malls cannot stand in isolation. A great City is the sum total of great buildings, great infrastructure and great people. MCHI has been committed to growth of the real estate sector and is credited with the harmonious growth and rise in quality and standards of construction in Thane City in the past decade.
Its aim as an Association of Developers has been to seek rational rules and regulations which are uniformly applied across the board as this will to a great extent result in speedy construction, cost reduction, fair pricing and a push for better quality standards at par with the developed world, with a high level of transparency.
501, 5th Floor, Plot No - A-123/4,
Odyssey IT Park, Road No. 9,Wagle Estate
Thane (W) - 400 604, Maharashtra, India
Mobile : (+91) 9833 4583 23 E-mail:
MCHI-THANE has always been very clear that fine housing complexes and shopping malls cannot stand in isolation. A great City is the sum total of great buildings, great infrastructure and great people. MCHI has been committed to growth of the real estate sector and is credited with the harmonious growth and rise in quality and standards of construction in Thane City in the past decade.
Its aim as an Association of Developers has been to seek rational rules and regulations which are uniformly applied across the board as this will to a great extent result in speedy construction, cost reduction, fair pricing and a push for better quality standards at par with the developed world, with a high level of transparency.
501, 5th Floor, Plot No - A-123/4,
Odyssey IT Park, Road No. 9,Wagle Estate
Thane (W) - 400 604, Maharashtra, India
Mobile : (+91) 9833 4583 23 E-mail: